
What growth really feels like

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We often see the result of personal growth. The challenge completed, the chilled, relaxed and accomplished person on Youtube, Insta or still valid in this age: the television. They may not lie. They may not make it sound easy the journey they’ve been on, but still, we may struggle to related to their experience. We can’t help but think they must be different from us, or we’re different from everyone else. Exceptional, but not in a good way. The outcome […]


The Power of Listening

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Speak up, have your say. All important, but before you do that, listen. Really listen. Then think. Listening is not a passive activity. Done well, it can have a significant impact on the other person. It’s half the conversation, more in fact. Without listening, it’s just two people talking at each other. Listening well lets the other person know that you are present, with them in that moment. Focusing on them, not anything else. Noticing someone, listening to them, hearing […]


You don’t need more time, you need more focus

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When you consider some of the great writing, poetry and music which was created in seaming tougher times it does make you wonder how people can saw they too busy now. Too busy to write, to eat properly, to make music, to exercise, to talk to each other. How is it that in times when the effort required to accomplish the basics of life took so much longer some incredible work was done? At a time when people still had […]


Foreshadowing of failure: Lack of front end planning

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The lack of front end planning and adequate early spending is a key reason why projects fail, or at the very least take longer and go over budget. Or to phrase it another way, lack of early investment leads to failure. People and organisations often drag their feet and are slow to really commit to a new project. It’s tempting to look at the workload of the team in the early days of the project and believe that extra resources […]


The paradox of choice

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Does more choice actually make us happy? We tend to assume that choice is always good and that having a choice makes us happier. I’ve read previously many articles which indicate this may not be true. That in fact too much choice is a stressor; it saps our decision making power, which is a limited resource. Recent events have given me the opportunity to test this idea, to an extent. With the Covid-19 lockdown, many of my daily choices have […]


The engaged life and the Navigator

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It’s not that stuffing your face with a chocolate-filled chocolate-covered doughnut is the issue. It’s the fact you hardly noticed that you were eating it. Sense and feel everything, experience life. Take your time and smell the roses can mean put the phone down and enjoy the doughnut, or don’t buy a cheap bottle of wine and down it; buy the most expensive bottle you can afford and then actually enjoy it. Be conscious of what you’re doing each and […]


The view from the balcony – Lockdown thoughts

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It’s actually like being in the countryside. It’s so silent, apart from the hum of air conditioning systems. Almost no traffic, no gardeners, no dogs barking while out walking; no people. It’s very un-Dubai. It’s amazing how things change. Where being allowed to leave the house feels like a privilege and not the norm. For me the situation is fascinating. At a time where I’m trying to get the podcast and the blog up and running, I’ve been handed time […]